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Step Forward
Events portraited this Monday and following Tuesday are the crucial events in our lives at that time. What happened during those two days shaped the relation for some time, but only some time.

As I blocked her yesterday evening there was no communication from her. I was also out of city for business, so even if she reverted her mind, she wouldn’t be able to reach me. The thing is, I couldn’t be persisted in blocking her and not hearing anything from her. I just couldn’t. She was too much value for me, too lonely without listening to her voice, even when she was fucked up that way she said. I knew her for some time now to know that whatever happens to her is for a reason. I needed to know that reason or reasons. My analytic personality couldn’t accept a score sheet full of gaps. So I composed a message, unblocked her and sent it.

Cherie. I have been thinking abt all this. I told you once that whatever eats you I will help you with. You said once that God sent you Greg for some reason. I’m here. I can I want take care of you whatever it takes. All can be solved when you start to talk to me. We made a good connection from start and we can not just dump it. I know you are in high distress situation but let me help you. There is a huge driving force called love behind this and believe the present issues are no issues. I need you Cherie and you need me. Why would you destroy this. Let me just take care of you, please.

I will fight for you whatever it takes, as despite your present situation you are valuable person, a mother. For long time I did not met somebody like you and I need to do whatever is needed to get you in balance and to develop feelings and love. Whatever bad you feel abt yourself Is just a temporary state where you force yourself into stupid actions because you don’t see me by your side. You look for help and choose irrational solutions because you do not realize that I’m by your side to help you to get on track. Why? I know you have feelings for me and you choose to discard them. Why Cherie, why?

I need your love and you need mine. We are connected and made for each other. Whatever is bad now we can turn it into good. I want to be with you and I want you to be part of me. Please consider my help and love I have for you. A true feeling and true intentions.”

She started to talk about bank pushing her with the loan, threats her into the extend of blocking her cards and imposing legal and administrative matters. She wanted so badly go back home to see her daughter and family. She wanted to straighten the life, but due to all the events around she couldn’t. Being without job since Sept 1st, thorn between two guys with financial issues, she started to go for complete system failure. I wasn’t there, but I could feel all this. I could sense it from her voice. She was in need for acute help, here and now.

I reviewed her bank statements and 10 minutes later I cleared her outstanding loan, which was around 50% of what she owned the bank. For that moment bank needed that installment, so there would be time to negotiate rest of the loan at later point. That decision was purely spontaneous, no strings attached. I needed to cure her and to cure her I needed to clear the obstacles. One of them was the bank. I sent her the confirmation and asked her to remove it from her mind for time being in order to get her to talk about other issues. The payment of the loan and decision behind it will be play a big role in the future development of the relation, but at that point it was needed to move forward.

“I am fucked up… and I dont know why you still want me despite of whats goin on with me

I am too good that people are taking advantage of my weakness.. im so helpless.. i dont have work and i felt so powerless

Just all of these emotional distress is destroying me and really need someone to help me get out of this hell…”

I landed at 11pm and this time she was there waiting at the parking lot. She was sad, happy and with very mixed mood. We went to a crowded place, but found some isolated table at the corner. We started to talk, or rather she started to tell the story from the beginning, day by day until today. True, only True, nothing but the True. As midnight approached we moved into Day Zero.

As she talked I got scared. I couldn’t understand how that lovely, petite, human being could handle that much. All what happened since she was dumped by Oak Man, become a thriller, a horror story. With each word, with each event I started to understand what happened to her and all the pieces started to fall in place. I could understand the messages, I could clearly see the big words HELP, HELP ME between the lines. I sensed that things were wrong, but not that wrong. She was very open and in kind of tragic way mixed with calm in her voice she talked and talked, crying between.

The Story

She told me the story of her ex-husband, or rather still a husband. Her life with him, the lack of support of the daughter, unemployment, forcing her to work long hours and by the same trying to be with her daughter. She told me about the administrative and medical complications related to giving birth, and she told me about the day she was kicked out of the apartment altogether with her daughter and niece with the words “Get out, bitch”. She told me the story of being forced to take care of the daughter after that day with basically one suitcase in hand.

She told me the story of Giuseppe being verbally abusing her, manipulating her and somehow using her for his own needs. She was attracted to him and maybe she would stay with him, but each time she moved in she could not breath nor stay there longer then few days. She suffocated, especially since she met me on August 15th. She was split, pushed and pulled between us two. She was confused, trying to find the best in each of us, weighting the pluses and minuses of each of us. She told me how she cheated both him and me being with me days and him nights. She told me that she walked away, but still could not be free due to the engagement ring she had and the ring was a reason for a guilt, an anchor dragging her down. She had difficulties in saying “No”, assertiveness issues, but each time the situation became worse she reached her hand for help towards me. She needed to balance the feelings to get out of that hell of Giuseppe, and she found kind of stability when being with me. She appreciated the calm aura surrounding our relation, the calm environment, which balanced the upside-down with Giuseppe. As badly she wanted to go away from him, the more persisted he was in manipulating her and putting guilt on her, trying to stop her.

Rewinding now back to the 7th of September, when she went silent with migraine and headache. At that particular day, when she walked away from Giuseppe, she become so happy and full of hope. She was looking forward to meet me in the evening, and you remember that she never shown up and called herself prostitute the very next day. At that evening, she said, she received a phone call from Sir John, her former boss, asking her to came to his house. She told me the story of Sir John, in my opinion not much Sir, rather motherfucker, but let’s be fair. Day Zero later shown that he became a real gentleman. Obviously, Cherie, after she left Oak Man, started to date online and was approached by Sir John. After some online dating they met and developed a husband-mistress relation, where she was needed as required. On the other hand, Sir John offered her a job and actually she started to receive salary. All that happened early spring this year. She got a job, company car, she dated her boss for shorter emotional encounters, but obviously she was too hot for him to handle. Cherie is a high maintenance woman, with her needs and kinky desires. Obviously, he was looking for somebody more controllable than her. Additionally, the issue with his present wife and teenage kids, didn’t allow him to move forward. Cherie said, they never shown up in public, never had common friends. Some attraction started to build up, she said, but just short visits to his house, when maid was not present were not enough to her. So that particular day, two days ago, when she was happy, he asked her to get to him. She refused. He said “Get here now, otherwise you are finished”. She went there, the same time when she got of the radar with her messages being sparse that evening. She went to Sir motherfucker John and once again he used her for his needs. And once again she didn’t ask for help or advice on what to do at that point. She felt like a hooker, a bitch, a prostitute. Not only thorn between me and Giuseppe, but now half forced and half raped by another player.

She was talking about her actually leaving the job with Sir John’s company, due to his “request for services” attitude. So, when there was indication of lay-offs, she was the first one to walk off, of her own will. A brave, but hard decision. She showed me an agreement with her ex-husband, which forced her to withdraw from all financial alimony from her ex for the rights to see her daughter. With all this she went into financial issues, with her ex-husband not supporting her and rarely her daughter. She used to send some support back home to her family, but now with no job this would not be possible anymore.

I understood the hell she went thru. I did. I was sad and I’m still sad that she was not able to open her mouth and talk earlier. Although grateful she did at that point.

The Plan

After the tears stopped to drop down, we looked to possible solutions. We started with saying good bye to Giuseppe. In a brief text message she told him that she is walking from him definitely and she is happy with me. She asked for being left in peace. He did not respond at that time, probably the hour was late. Few minutes later we did the same with Sir John. Contrary to Giuseppe, the answers came quickly with few angry messages and disbelief. Although Sir John wouldn’t be Sir if after reflection, few hours later he came with sounder replays and even asked how he could help her, wishing her all the best in a sincere way.

We went to my hotel room, she was shaking and she was in really bad condition. At that day, which we called Day Zero, we reset our relation, promised to talk the true, nothing but the true. However, as time shows, we failed with that as well, but that night it was not important. We wanted to proceed forward and build a relation. I remember, I write some notes from that day.

As Day Zero continued, we got into connected state again. Cherie was scared with demons around. She took some drinks and relaxed. We did not make love that night. Further I had to leave early to catch my plane out of city. I asked my friend to look into her time to time and I know she had some additional glass of vodka with him. I asked her not to leave the room during the day and try to go through all the mishap. She gave me her phone in order to deal with Giuseppe when he wakes up following morning. She was not able to face his coming replies. She was so fragile that night, so tired, but a happiness on her face showed a bit later. During my travel that day, I was in touch with her on the other number and she really needed emotional support and lot of conversation to heal from the past. We had a good day.

As I now was in possession with her phone, in a way of “no more secrets” I started to talk to Giuseppe as Cherie would never do. He came with some replies in the morning with lot of “WTF” and similar disbelief messages. From love, “please”, begging to threats, hate and rejection. In between the conversation I was reading the history of that “relation” with him. I was surprised how immature he could be, with his stupid messages. Unfortunately, at some late point Cherie removed all the WhatsApp conversation with, him so I’m not able to quote it exactly nor post screenshots. In my eyes he was just a miserable asshole, not able to behave and handle that kind of woman Cherie has been. In one of topics, regarding her financial situation, when she asked for support with the loan, he said “Maybe I can sell one of my sport cars to repay your loan”. A man of culture as he used to talk about himself, he wrote to her: “I’m good body, good money, good nationality and man of culture”. Really pathetic.

I don’t know what she seen in him then and later, maybe his oratory skills, maybe his dick, maybe just the Italian way of seducing woman with empty promises. She felt into this trap so many times, prior Day Zero as well as later. I tried to explain to Giuseppe her motivation behind her decisions, still he was convinced she talked to Cherie all the time. Through all that day and following two or three days he came with different options from begging, promising, bribing, crying and putting guilt on her. I saved her from reading all this. I handled it pretty well and I had lot of fun, seeing that little boy in his short pants trying to get into her. In my cruel way of revenge, I was systematically and methodically trample and roll him down to the soil, pushing his ego back to the small rathole he came from. As a pest deserves.

I came back in the evening and she felt better. A humble person, kind of withdrawn, but full of hope. I needed to give her all the support and this was my goal. We spend all the evening talking once again about what happened and how to prevent from happening again. She needed lot of positive energy and lot of patience. I was ready and I was able to walk after her into the fire.

The following days were dedicated to Cherie’s well being. Additionally we tried to find how to get rid of Giuseppe once for all. It wasn’t easy, as he returned with his stupid messages asking for forgiveness and promising changes and reunion. However, Cherie still had his engagement ring and we were looking in the way to return it without her meeting Giuseppe. Somehow he made it easier for us, as he was asking her to meet him for “the last time” and  that could be a good occasion to drop the ring.

That day we went with some friends for the dinner and after that Cherie made appointment with him at his favorite place nearby. The plan was to send Agatha, our common friend to give Giuseppe his ring back. Agatha is a big lady who rise respect, so she was perfect choice for this task. Just after 7:30pm he arrived in one of his sports cars and even before he even left the car, Agatha approached him and asked to wind down the side window. She confirmed that he actually was Giuseppe and gave him back the ring. He was surprised, but drove away after few moments. Few minutes later he was texting Cherie and asking why she did like that? He didn’t want that ring so badly, as to see her. Anyway, our plan was successful and Giuseppe got his ring without involving Cherie, although she has seen this action from a distance.

YOU are on top of priority now and if getting this job will put our relationship at risks since I will have lesser time for you then I rather want to be with you full time and give you the love, care and attention you need I would be happy to do that.

After few days Cherie started to be less stressed and more relaxed. I still have those moments in my memory, as I could see her breath and build her self confidence. She also went for interview for a job. She was very impressed with the future lady boss. And she had impression that she liked Cherie as well. We discussed it over two days and after evaluating all pros and cons she declined the job. First, the job as personal assistant would require her to work long hours and be on the phone all the time. Additionally with my tight traveling plans each month, we could be separated too much. And on top of this the money wasn’t the best, even after negotiation, she would earn less than with Sir Johns last job. Somehow she wanted to spend more time with me during that time, and I was thankful for that.

Cherie recovered in a great way. Already after few days she started to walk without collar and tried to exercise the mussels around her neck. She didn’t want to spend time in bed, she needed to move around. At one afternoon we went to IKEA to grab some stuff, furniture and equipment for our new apartment. We spend pretty lot of money and finished the shopping with a fine dining of famous kötbullar or rather Swedish meatballs. We squeezed all in the car and bound for home. For sure we forgot to buy some stuff, as for next month or so we visited IKEA another few times.

During those days Cherie was worried, her period id not arrive as planned. She was already few days due and she started to research for the symptoms of pregnancy. We were discussing the issue as to who is going to be the father of the child if she indeed is pregnant. Is it me or Giuseppe. What would she do if she was pregnant. Would she walk back to Giuseppe if he was the father or stay with me independently of the fact. Not sure what was in her mind during those days.

“We had a discussion last night. FYI. I still don’t have my period, and we are both worried, somehow he is aware that if I am pregnant, 100% sure not from him as he never cum inside me except last week.

I was with you from August 29 – September 9, 2019.
I should have my period on 29-30 September, and its 3-4 days delayed now…I will make a test and will update you. You deserve to know the truth anyway.
Regardless, pregnant or Not. Mr Grey assures me that he will take care of me and the pregnancy if ever.“

She took the pregnancy test early in the morning and while I still was asleep. When I woke up the pregnancy tester was close to my pillow and she in very serious way said “you gonna be a daddy”. WTF, this was unexpected. Seriously did I fuck it up, the only time I blow my cum inside her some nights ago? I tried to be cautious. Well, now I have to take the consequences. How do I gonna handle all this, being over 50 and with new baby. Not easy task. Cherie has seen the consternation on my face and the brain processing behind and she outburst in a big beautiful lough. She was playing me, she got me! She showed me the “instrument” and said it scored negative. Ufffff, a kind of relief, but still no sight of period and she said she feel the boobs to be harder and release some kind of greenish liquid. She was worried.

As I know, she also informed Giuseppe about the fact and as far I know he took it very light telling her that he had fun last night with another girl, Cherie knew. In his email to her he was showing up how good he is and how the people around appreciate him. Still in his immaturity, he tries to build a guilt in Cherie and make her to be jealous for that new girl of his.

During the days past the negative pregnancy test, Cherie started to open herself. She told me more of the details of her marriage with Andriej, her husband. Yes, still husband not ex-husband. She told me that very early that she had the daughter with Andriej and despite breaking up 3 years ago she was still officially married to him. For few reasons she was not able to divorce him. First of course were the financial issues involved, which prevented her to go into legal proceedings, the other were more serious. She was not able to travel to her previous country due to bad loan and basically a travel ban. Additionally, as of her origin she was not able to get divorce in her country due to the law prohibiting it. As the first two issues were pretty easy to solve with the repayment of loan, the third one was almost “no go”.

I started to explore the subject, not being a lawyer myself, but through years spent in the business, involved in legal aspects on the daily basis, I had some experience in solving different legal issues. After a research I found that even if she is not able to get divorce to be recognized in her home country, as being married to a foreigner, she had the advantage of the husbands home country court ruling. Actually she could get the divorce in his country and later by recent Supreme Courts decision from her country, such divorce must be recognized and based on that she should became divorced. The Supreme Court ruling based on a very similar case giving her opportunity to be free from Andriej. Based on that information I set a plan and contacted a lawyer firm in Andriej’s country in order to check how to proceed. Obviously the legal procedure was pretty easy, but required several documents from her and the husband.

Now it was her turn to convince Andriej about the idea of divorcing. It wasn’t an easy task, as he immediately became suspicious about a possible scam and the proceedings were not clear to him, as he was well aware that according to Cherie’s home country law, she could not get a legal divorce. Also he was afraid of courts ruling not in his favour, asking him to pay child support and alimony. Despite Cherie’s explanations, that she will cover all expenses and she is ready to withhold from alimony, he was negative to that idea. She became nervous and stressed. As with Giuseppe, every time she got involved in the conversation with Andriej she got stressed and pissed off. I don’t know how she survived with him so many years. Seeing her in this condition, I convinced the lawyer to call Andriej and in his native language explain the setup and proceedings. After that phone call he consented to the idea and sent the lawyers the required documents. Cherie vented out.

The only thing remaining was to clear her to enter her previous country, as she needed to sign the legal documents and power of attorney in the consulate of Andriejs country.

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