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As we speak, the bank came back with the question, how is she going to solve the remaining outstanding loan. In an email they said they will pursue her and impose legal restrictions unless she is paying the loan in full. She talked with them, but she been soft. I said I will take it from there. Next day I called them saying I’m Cherie’s legal adviser, well somehow I was, but not in the legal way. Anyway I talked with some Indian girl which tried to tell me all the bad things will happen to Cherie when she is not going to repay the loan. I was laughing at her and said, that instead of coming with threats, she rather came with some viable proposal. I then refereed to the last one from few weeks back in order to make a deal with her of the 30%+ reduction of the amount an no interest. She said “no way” and she said she do some ridiculous discount of 5%. I said I can give her what we agreed last time and if she want’s that it’s fine. She said she will came back. 

I was traveling again next day or two and Cherie was on the move with her clothes from her old apartment to my place, or rather our place. I don’t know how she fit all the stuff in that old place as the amount of shoes and clothes was huge. Anyway, I was happy not to be involved in all this, as it would ruin my day seeing all the stuff being thrown into our place in a big mess. Somehow she methodically arranged things. She even moved the furniture around, few times in order to find a good layout. She had some art skills and exceptionally the remade apartment looked much better.

I have to admit when we moved in I hacked into the main building’s IT infrastructure, as the internet they provided was a crap. I also complained to the administrator about the speed and the bandwidth offered and wanted them to review the policy. I knew they are restricting users by limiting the speeds, so I bypassed that. After all I was studying IT and specifically, networking was not a big issue for me to solve and get here and there uninvited. Unfortunately, that day, when I was away an IT guy visited in order to review our complain and see what is wrong with our internet access. In my disbelieve Cherie told him that I switched some cables and now the internet is fine. Before I could react and tell her how to lie to him she told him the story. The guy was smart enough, replaced the cables and somehow kept silent, maybe leaving the knowledge for himself about what I did. Hi did not report it further to land lord or administrator. Any way before knowing that, I was pissed off with Cherie, to why in earth is she telling him the true when obviously we did something illegal. From word to word we went to fight over the phone and rest of the day was silent, she even didn’t want to join for lunch.